Top 5 Best CRMs for Startups in 2024

The Customer Management System is very important for a company. It does not just keep track of customer information and talks. It also gives live updates to help teams make better plans. With this system, companies can improve their customer relationships and grow their business.

Startups must pick a good Customer Management System to deal with people they know and might know well. A good CRM for small businesses shows all the customer information in one place.

It makes talking to customers smoother and does some jobs by itself. This can keep customers coming back and help sell more things. For new companies, the right system helps them grow and deal with lots of data and talks without trouble.

By 2024, the market for these systems will have more options with new features that are easy to use and not expensive. These systems are made for the special needs and money limits of new companies.

They have several features, from deep data study to easy joining with other work tools. Here are the five best systems for new companies. They are all very good at managing customer relationships with new technology and design for the user.

1. DejaOffice

DejaOffice gives new companies a strong way to manage contact information. Users can keep lots of details about their customers, like phone numbers, emails, social profiles, and special things for their business.

Companies can sort and label contacts to find and talk to the right customers quickly. This makes communication more personal and makes relationships with customers better.

Synchronization with the calendar is easier with DejaOffice. It works with calendars like Google Calendar, Outlook and Apple Calendar. Startups can use it to manage their time well.

Users can make reminders, plan meetings, and see their meetings in a very clear way. This feature helps everyone on the team know about events, deadlines, and important dates. It is very important to get work done and reach business goals.

Tools for tasks and projects help startups stay neat and on the right path to their goals. Users can make tasks, give them to team members, set deadlines and watch how the work is going in the CRM.

Project management lets you make full project plans with important steps and times. It makes sure that every job is done on time. Team members also have to be responsible for what they have to do. This leads to doing projects better, and the team does well.

Data syncing is really important for startups where people work in different places and use different things. DejaOffice is good at this because it allows data to be synced in real time across phones, tablets, and computers.

This ensures that everyone gets to the newest details. They can do this if they are in the office, traveling or working from somewhere else. The chance to get to customer information, calendar events, and task lists from anything makes work more flexible. It also makes sure everyone stays in touch and knows what is going on.

DejaOffice is a leading CRM for startups because of its full-contact management. It also has good calendar joining, strong tools for tasks and projects, dependable data syncing, and safe security.

All these features help work go well, make business easier, and make sure startups can look after their customers and grow their business in 2024.

2. HubSpot

When you look at what HubSpot offers, people find lots of tools that make marketing, sales, and customer services easier. HubSpot has many solutions that make businesses work better and smarter.

The platform changes how companies do their marketing. It lets them make special emails, look after social media, and take care of leads. Marketers save time and can make better content and plans. Automation keeps them competitive in digital marketing.

Sales teams get a lot from HubSpot’s sales tools. They help salespeople talk and work together well. Tools like email tracking and meeting setup help them sell more quickly. The clear pipeline system helps with good choices.

Analyzing and reporting help make smart business choices. HubSpot’s tools give good reports on marketing, sales, and customer service. These details help companies know how they are doing and what to change. Having data right away makes us think about the future of business plans.

3. Salesforce

Salesforce has great tools for managing leads. You can get leads from many places and help them along. This makes sure you do not miss any customers.

Dashboards and reports you can change are important. They let sales teams look at data right away. This helps them make choices based on facts to grow sales.

You can add Salesforce to other apps without trouble. It works with many other apps, making a connected data world. It helps the whole business work better.

Automation is a big plus. Workflow rules, Apex triggers and Process Builder make automatic the repetitive tasks. Your team can now pay attention to strategy things.

Keeping your data safe and following rules are key for a good name. Using many steps to verify, encrypt, and do frequent checks keeps your important data safe. This makes you feel safe when there are more and more online threats.

AI helps, and insights from customers can make work simpler. Salesforce Einstein gives you predictions about selling numbers. This helps you to guess what customers need and make good plans.

4. Pipedrive

Pipedrive is very good with its clear sales steps. You can use drag-and-drop to easily control deals. This lets you see every part of selling something.

Changing sales steps to fit your needs is simple with this program. Groups can make the sale steps what they need. Practicing this matches what each unique business needs.

Tracking emails together keeps talks in order. You see when people open, click, and answer in the CRM. It helps you to follow up better and work more well.

This program makes it easy to manage tasks with its planning tool. Salespeople can arrange the next steps and meetings. This means they do not miss chances to talk to customers.

The system for keeping info about contacts is strong. It has a lot of info about possible customers and current ones. The info is easy to reach and helps you build better relationships.

Strong tools for looking at sales and reports give you control. These understandings help groups know how well they do. Making choices with knowledge helps you sell better.

The CRM works with lots of other apps. This easy connection keeps work flowing. Companies can improve their technology so that more work is done.

5. Zoho CRM

Zoho CRM lets you change it a lot. Companies can make their CRM what they need. Special fields, parts, and ways to set it up mean it can change how you work. This makes it better for users, and they work more fast.

It allows you to do more with automatic features. Workflow automation makes repetitive tasks less. Lead scoring and task assignment help sales go smoother. Sales teams can then focus on making sales, not paperwork.

Integrate Zoho apps and different platforms in the blink of an eye. This connected system makes businesses work better. Using tools like G Suite and Office 365, data moves easily between apps.

Advanced analytics and reports give good insights. You can customize dashboards and get deep reports to follow important metrics. This way of using data helps to make better decisions and plan with strategy.

Communicating through many channels is important for this tool. It puts emails, calls, social media, and live chat together. This helps businesses talk to customers about how they like.

The platform has AI to help with sales. Zia, the Zoho AI, gives predictions and insights. This lets sales teams know what customers need and make better talks.


Choosing the right CRM is very important for new companies in 2024. The best CRMs for start-ups have new features, are easy to use, and do not cost too much. Such tool meet the needs new companies have.

These tools and CRM systems have great contact management, easy calendar use, good task management, and strong data syncing. These CRMs help start-ups work better, make customer relations better, and grow.

DejaOffice is a good choice for start-ups. It lets them handle customer talks easily and safely. Other top CRMs also have good things for different company needs. As start-ups change and get better, having a strong CRM helps them manage work well.

It also builds a base for growing big and being successful. Startups use these best CRMs to focus on their main goals. They can talk to customers well.

They can deal with today’s hard business world with sureness and quickness. A good CRM can change a company. It allows more work to be done and new ideas to be created in a market that always changes.