8 Best Sales Funnel Software in 2024

Sales funnel software help businesses to make their sales process better and get more customers. This software does tasks by itself, keeps track of customers, and shows what the buyers do. This helps companies sell more and better.

We write this article to show the best sales funnel software in 2024. We look at the main parts, good things, and bad things of the software. We want to help you find the best software for different company needs. We pick each tool because it is good at helping with the sales process.

People who sell things, market things, own businesses, and start businesses should read this article. If you own a small company or if you work for a big company in sales, the right sales funnel software can make your sales better.

1. ClickFunnels

ClickFunnels is a well-known sales funnel software that makes it easy to make and look after sales funnels. This software does everything. It builds web pages for selling things, sends emails, and takes payments, which helps sell more things.

This tool has tools to build pages by dragging and dropping, change templates, test different pages, and look at detailed data. It also works with other services like emails, customer management, and taking payments. These things make it easy for people to make good sales funnels without knowing a lot about technology.

The software is good for small and medium companies, business starters, and people who market things. It is easy to use and has many tools, which is perfect for making internet sales and marketing better.


  • Easy-to-use interface
  • Full set of tools for funnel creation
  • Many integration options
  • Good A/B testing features


  • High subscription costs
  • Not much customization for expert users
  • Too complex for new users
  • Sometimes, there are technical problems

2. DejaOffice

DejaOffice is a flexible CRM and productivity tool. It makes managing contacts and sales easier. It provides many tools. These tools help businesses keep customer data, plan tasks, and handle meetings. DejaOffice is good for making work faster and better.

The tool has good contact managing, calendar linking, task tracking, and taking notes. The software can sync with different devices and systems. Users can reach their data at any time and place. DejaOffice has an easy interface and works without the Internet. It is reliable and easy to use.

It is right for small and medium companies, single workers and business people. They need a good way to handle relationships with customers and daily work. DejaOffice has many features. It is good for organizing and making work better.


  • Good contact managing
  • Links calendar and tasks
  • Easy interface and user-friendly
  • Works without internet


  • Not many advanced features
  • Simple reporting tools
  • No built-in email links

3. HubSpot Sales Hub

HubSpot Sales Hub is a strong sales software. It helps businesses make their sales better and manage customers well. It has many tools and works well with other HubSpot parts. This is good for teams in sales and marketing.

This CRM has email tracking, deal handling, sales making automatic, and reports. It also has a strong CRM. You can change dashboards. The AI gives good advice to sales teams. The software also works with many outside applications. This makes it more useful and flexible.

Sales Hub by HubSpot works well for different sizes of companies, sales groups, and people who do marketing. It has many features and can work with other software. This is perfect for companies who want to grow their sales and work more efficiently.


  • Full CRM working together
  • Strong tools for making sales automatic
  • Dashboards you can change
  • Many outside software can join in


  • Paying more for extra good features
  • Hard for beginners to learn
  • Not much change for expert users
  • Too much for small groups

4. Pipedrive

Pipedrive is a tool that helps companies make their sales work better and see their pipelines clearer. It is easy to use and has many tools. These help teams keep an eye on potential sales, handle deals, and make some tasks automatic. This makes selling work better.

Key parts of Pipedrive are pipelines you can change, setting up tasks on their own, connections to email, and smart reports. The software also has strong apps for phones, so teams can work anywhere. Pipedrive also works with a lot of other apps.

This tool is good for smaller and middle-sized companies, sales teams, and business owners who want a simple, good way to manage their sales pipelines. It is really useful and has a lot of features that can help sell more and do work better.


  • Easy to use
  • Sales pipelines you can change
  • Good automatic features
  • Strong contact management


  • Not so many advanced features
  • Extra costs for more parts
  • It might be too simple for big groups
  • Sometimes has problems with joining other apps

5. Kartra

Kartra is a platform for all of your marketing needs. It helps companies set up, handle, and make their sales funnels and marketing better. Kartra gives tools for making landing pages, email marketing, and checking customers.

This software has tools to build landing pages, do email marketing, make membership sites and get analytics. It helps make sales processes easy. It also lets businesses give special content to customers.

Small and medium businesses and online workers like Kartra. It is good because it has many features to help with marketing.


  • It is an all-in-one marketing tool.
  • Making landing pages is easy.
  • Has email automation.
  • Gives detailed reports.


  • Expensive.
  • It might be hard to learn.
  • Does not work with many outside apps.
  • Sometimes, it does not work well.

6. GetResponse

GetResponse helps with email marketing, automation, and funnels. It is good for engaging with people and getting more sales.

This tool has email templates, automation, landing pages, and webinars. It gives good analytics. This helps businesses use data to make choices. It also works with other apps.

Small and medium businesses and marketers like GetResponse. It is affordable and has lots of features for better email marketing.


  • Prices are low.
  • The interface is easy.
  • Many email marketing tools are there.
  • Automation is strong.


  • Few advanced features are there.
  • Only simple landing pages.
  • Sometimes, emails do not arrive.
  • Not good for big companies.

7. Keap

Keap was once called Infusionsoft. It is a strong CRM and marketing software for small companies. This helps people control customer relationships, make marketing tasks automatic, and make selling things simpler.

This tool has many special things like good CRM tools, marketing automation you can change, send emails for marketing, and strong tools for reports. It can also do work for shops online. This lets people take care of sales, regular payments, and bills. Keap has an easy to use screen. It helps companies to start and take care of their marketing plans without hard work.

The software is the best for small or not big businesses and people who start their own work. They look for a mix of things to control customer relationships and do marketing. Keap has lots of features and likes automation. This makes it a very good pick for those who want to work better and become bigger.


  • Many CRM features are there.
  • Marketing is powerful and automated.
  • The interface is easy.
  • It can do e-commerce, too.


  • You pay more for more features.
  • Hard to learn at first.
  • You cannot change much.
  • Sometimes, the support is not great.

8. ActiveCampaign

ActiveCampaign is an email marketing and automation tool. It helps businesses improve customer interest. They can also make their marketing work better. ActiveCampaign focuses on making things automatic and splitting customers into groups. Users get tools to make campaigns aimed at the right people. They can build good relationships with customers.

This sales funnel tool has features like smart email automation. It can work with customer management systems. You can change how templates look. It gives you clear reports. The platform has other features too. There is scoring for potential customers. It has content that changes for each person. It lets you market on different channels. This helps businesses make plans for certain types of customers. ActiveCampaign lets you add other apps for more options.

The software fits small to mid-sized businesses. Marketers and online shops can use it well. It helps to manage automatic marketing and talks with customers. ActiveCampaign has lots of features and is not hard to use. Companies use it to get better at marketing and keeping customers interested.


  • Has good features for automation.
  • Does email marketing well?
  • Works with CRM systems well.
  • Gives detailed reports and data.


  • It costs more for the best features.
  • New users might find it hard to learn.
  • Sometimes, it does not work well with other systems.
  • Does not support a lot of changes for advanced needs.


Picking the right sales funnel software is not easy. Each business is different, and they need to think about money, how it works with other systems, and what features they need for their kind of work.

DejaOffice is good for managing sales funnels because it is strong in managing contacts, keeping track of tasks, and working with your calendar. It is easy for salespeople to use and work without the internet, which makes their work smoother.

Make sure you know what your business needs and check if the software has those features. Trying the software before you buy it is a good idea, so during trial times, see how it works for your real job. When you spend time figuring out what you need, you can make a better choice that helps your business do well.