10 Best Features of CRM in 2024

The effective management of a business is necessary for maximum output rate. To achieve higher productivity, this is a must to make use of tools. Good tools for business increase your performance and help you attain enhanced productivity. The tools we use must have good features. If they do not have the desired features, they may cause damage to performance and growth. Therefore, carefully selecting a tool is a must before anything else. 

A CRM is software that streamlines the functioning of a business. They keep your record, make insightful reports, and provide you with updated data to make information-based sound decisions. CRM tools come with standard features like contact management, task management, calendar scheduling, notes, categories, synchronization, offline access, and mobile compatibility. 

DejaOffice is a CRM. It manages contacts very well. It has a database that is centralized. This database helps businesses to organize customer information. A very good feature is the integration with Outlook. This feature enables users to sync contacts, calendars, and tasks. DejaOffice also gives mobile access. This helps users manage their data when they are not in the office. Its strong security feature is data encryption. These features keep the information sensitive. Overall, DejaOffice provides a user-friendly experience. It has options that can be customized. This makes it a choice good for businesses that want an effective CRM solution.

It is very important to look for the features mentioned above in CRM software. These features are standard, and the selected tool should provide these features to enhance growth rate and productivity.

10 Best Features of CRM in 2024

Customer Relationship Management, or CRM, helps businesses manage their relationship with customers. It includes tools and strategies to understand clients better and improve services. Many companies choose CRM systems to make their work easier and increase sales. The following list talks about the ten best features of CRM systems, starting with contact management.

1. Contact Management

Choosing the right CRM is very important. Every business has different needs. One CRM works well for one company, but it may not work for another. Evaluate the features of each CRM carefully. Think about the goals of your business. You must find a system that meets those needs. Putting time into the decision can save money later. A good CRM can improve sales, increase customer satisfaction, and make operations faster. Do not rush into a decision without thinking about all these important factors.

  • Centralized database: A key feature of CRM is contact management. This tool lets businesses create a centralized database for customer information. Having all customer data in one place makes it easy to access. Employees can find names, addresses, emails, or phone numbers quickly. This reduces time wasted searching for information.
  • Segmentation of contacts: Segmentation is another important part of contact management. CRM systems let businesses group their contacts based on different criteria. Companies can segment customers by age, location, or purchase history. This helps them understand their clients better and reach their marketing efforts.
  • Tracking interaction history: CRM systems also track interaction history. This feature records every time a company speaks with a client. Businesses can see past emails, calls, or meetings. Having this information helps employees give more personalized service. Customers like it when companies remember their preferences and past interactions.

2. Sales Automation

Sales automation is a powerful tool in CRM systems. Lead tracking and management allow teams to follow potential customers closely. This feature helps sales teams know which customers to contact and when to contact them. They can see which leads are hot and which leads need more attention. It saves time and helps teams close deals faster.

Sales forecasting tools give insights into future sales. Companies can predict revenue based on current sales trends. These tools help businesses set realistic goals and make good decisions.

Automated follow-ups and reminders make sure that no lead is missed. Teams can schedule emails or reminders for calls. This keeps communication regular. Automated processes also lessen the workload on sales teams. They can focus on selling instead of doing other tasks. It increases their productivity and helps improve results.

3. Market Automation

Campaign management tools make planning marketing campaigns simple. These tools make the whole process easier from start to end. Businesses can track how each campaign performs. They can adjust their strategies quickly.

Email marketing integration helps businesses connect with their audience well. They can send messages that are personal and meaningful to customers. Marketing automation saves time and allows businesses to reach more people.

Performance analytics and reporting give businesses clear insights into their marketing work. These features track open rates, click rates, and conversions. Companies can see what works and what does not work. This helps them improve their marketing strategies for better results.

4. Customer Support Management

Multi-channel support integration makes sure customers can reach you easily. Customers expect to connect by phone, email, chat, or social media. A CRM with multi-channel abilities meets various customer preferences.

Ticketing system functions make the customer support process smoother. Support staff can prioritize issues and fix them quickly. A good ticketing system improves response times and increases customer happiness.

Customer feedback and satisfaction tracking help companies understand their clients better. Surveys and feedback forms show how customers feel about products and services. This information is very important for improvement. Companies that listen to their customers build strong relationships. Happy customers become loyal customers.

5. Reporting and Analytics

Business leaders should take time to check their CRM needs. What problems do you want to solve? Which features will help teams work better? Think about how customers interact with the business. Find gaps in current processes. This evaluation can show the best potential options.

  • A complete dashboard: A dashboard helps track important business data. This dashboard shows key metrics at a glance. Teams can monitor sales performance, customer engagement, and lead conversion. Having this information in one place helps businesses make quick decisions. It also helps them find trends that can improve operations. Real-time insights are valuable for achieving business goals. This feature makes sure that no opportunity slips through the cracks.
  • Customizable reports: Customizable reports take reporting further. Users can make reports that suit their specific needs. They can choose what data to include and how to show it. This flexibility makes it easy to analyze performance. Businesses can track their progress in different areas. They can focus on what matters most to them. Custom reports also help teams share findings more effectively. This creates better teamwork and informed decision-making.

6. Workflow Automation

Workflow automation is another strong CRM feature. This feature helps businesses streamline operations. They can automate repetitive tasks like data entry and follow-ups. Employees can spend less time on boring work and more time on important tasks.

Workflows can assign tasks and set deadlines automatically. This keeps teams organized and makes sure that nothing falls through the cracks.

7. Mobile Accessibility

Mobile accessibility is very important for today’s workforce. Many CRM systems have mobile apps. These apps let users access customer data from any place. Remote teams stay connected when they are away from the office.

This is important because many people work in different locations. Real-time updates help teams react quickly to changes. Mobile access helps employees stay productive while they are moving. They close deals, manage tasks, and track performance wherever they are.

8. Customization and Scalability

Every business has special needs. Customization helps companies change CRM software to meet their own requirements. Businesses add features that are most important to them. This helps them use the software better. A flexible CRM system gives tools for growth.

As a business gets bigger, its needs change. CRM systems give scalability to meet those new needs. This means businesses can add more features and abilities when they need them. They do not need to start with a new system. This flexibility helps organizations be quick in a tough market. A scalable system makes growth easier and cheaper.

9. Integration Capability

Businesses use many tools. CRM systems integrate with current software easily. This compatibility helps save time and effort. Employees do not switch between many programs. They can instead focus on their tasks. An integrated system improves team productivity.

Developers use CRM systems also. Many of them have API support. This support lets developers make custom applications. They connect the CRM with other platforms or make current features better. Companies can create more value with custom solutions.

10. Security and Privacy

Security is a big worry today. Many CRM systems have strong data encryption. This keeps important information safe from unwanted eyes. Companies can feel confident about their data protection, and it is one of the best contact database practices. User access controls add extra security. They limit who can see the information.

Compliance with industry regulations is important. A good CRM helps meet those rules. Many systems are designed for compliance. Businesses can avoid legal problems and penalties. This builds trust with customers. In a world with more data privacy concerns, security features are very important. Companies must prioritize them to stay competitive.


Each feature has a special purpose. They help businesses manage customer relationships better. A good CRM helps teams to work together and be organized.

Ask questions. Encourage your team to share their ideas. Understanding how each team member uses the CRM can help make better decisions. A one-size-fits-all approach does not work today. Be thoughtful and pay attention. Approach the choosing process carefully.

In this fast world, customer relationships are very important. Businesses that invest in the right CRM tools are likely to stay ahead. A well-chosen CRM system like DejaOffice can open doors to growth and success. Take these steps to make sure your business gains a competitive edge. The journey begins now. Start to evaluate your CRM needs today.